Indeed Social Share & Locker Pro WordPress Plugin - Documentation

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Documentation Folder

This is the folder containing this documentation that you are now viewing. No Need to upload it, just keep handy for when you need to refer back to.

This is your Wordpress plugin file for Indeed Social Share & Locker Pro that you add to your plugins directory of Wordpress.

Uploading Plugin

Inside your Wordpress admin area, go to Plugins at the top you'll see "Add New" click that and the click the link that says "Upload". In the upload box select the file and click upload.

After uploading is completed and installation is done Plugins > Installed Plugins and activate it.

Activate the Plugin

Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins click the "Activate" link under Indeed Social Share & Locker Pro. Your Plugin is now installed!

Social NetWork List

You can select which Social Network do you wanna be used to be displayed on the website using the "Website Display" feature


You have preset 10 templates with different styles and hover effects. Some of them are recommended for vertical align and others for horizontal align.

Important! For example, Template 5 is recommended for Horizontal Align and Template 9 for Vertically Align

List Align: Select how the the list should be displayed.


Customize your Social Icon List by displaying the Full Network Name of The Share Counts

Where to Display

Based on content type or page type the show up list can be managed by selecting the desired options

Important! If you don't wanna the Social List to show up at all, just unselect all the checkbox from this section

For particular posts or pages, the Social List can be disabled directly from Post/Page edit page.


Decide where exactly it will be set the Social List Box

Floating: activating this option, the Social List Box will stay on the screen even the use will scroll up or down.

Position: Select the position based on pixels or percentage.

Social NetWork List

Check the "Website Display" section here


You have preset 10 templates with different styles and hover effects. Some of them are recommended for vertical align and others for horizontal align.

Important! For example, Template 5 is recommended for Horizontal Align and Template 9 for Vertically Align

List Align: Select how the the list should be displayed.


Customize your Social Icon List by displaying the Full Network Name of The Share Counts

Where to Display

Based on page type the show up list can be managed by selecting the desired options

Important! If you don't wanna the Social List to show up at all, just unselect all the checkbox from this section

For particular posts or pages, the Social List can be disabled directly from Post/Page edit page.


Decide where exactly it will be set the Social List Box

Basic options: Before Content (where the content page it starts), After Content (where the content page it ends), Both ( Before & After Content).

Position: Select the position based on pixels or percentage. Important! for some custom post templates the position may not be accurate.

How To Use

Shortcode: Just copy the entire shortcode (blue text) from the top or bottom boxes, into your WP content. Nothing else.

PHP Code: If you wanna set the Social List using the php files (like templates) just copy the code (blue text) from the top or bottom boxes. Be sure that you have some ideas about php language.

Social NetWork List

Check the "Website Display" section here


You have preset 10 templates with different styles and hover effects. Some of them are recommended for vertical align and others for horizontal align.

Important! For example, Template 5 is recommended for Horizontal Align and Template 9 for Vertically Align

List Align: Select how the the list should be displayed.


Customize your Social Icon List by displaying the Full Network Name of The Share Counts

How To Use

Shortcode: Just copy the entire shortcode (blue text) from the top or bottom boxes, into your WP content. Nothing else.

PHP Code: If you wanna set the Social List using the php files (like templates) just copy the code (blue text) from the top or bottom boxes. Be sure that you have some ideas about php language.

Social NetWork List

Check the "Website Display" section here


Check the "ShortCode Display" section here

List Align: Check the "ShortCode Display" section here


Check the "ShortCode Display" section here


Customize your Locker Box, by changing the background color and set the Padding Space. Padding Space will add blank space around the content box (top,bottom,left and right)

Locker Message

Set your custom message for the Locker Box. This message will convince users to share your page if they wanna see the locked content.

Important! Despite the other section, here you need to push the "Update" button to update the shortcode.

Twitter Username

Set a twitter username that can be mentioned into shared tweets. Can be any username, but especially yours.

Facebook App ID:

For a proper share and tracking the share counts on FaceBook you need to set a Facebook App ID.

Important! The FaceBook App works based on URL, so you will need to create your own facebook app.

How to create a new FaceBook App? Follow the next steps!

Default Feature Image:

A image it will be used when a post without an featured image is shared. The option is available only on some Social NetWorks (like Facebook, Pinterest).

FaceBook App Website

Go to Facebook Developer Website:

Login with your FaceBook Account

Create New App

Click on the "Apps" DropwDown and pick the first option "Create New App".

Create New App

Display Name: enter your desired name for the app. Can be any name but should respect some Facebook policies

Category: pick any one. You can select the "Entertainment" or "Utilitis"

Security Check

Enter the right Captcha Text has it is in the below image.


Now, you've created a new FaceBook App. You need to make some additional Settings.

Go on the Settings Tab


App Domains: enter your site domain. Be sure that you enter your website with and without "www"

Contact Email: this settings is mandatory from a while. Set a valid email address

+Add Platform: click on it for additional settings.

+Add Platform

Select the Website option. Very Important!


Site URL:set your main site URL using the full name (with http://)

Mobile Site URL: set your main site URL for Mobile devices, especially when you have a different URL for Mobile Devices

Save the Changes

Status & Review

Go to Status & Review Tab

Status & Review

Activate the App using that button.

The app will not be activated if you didn't set all the previous settings. Important!

Status & Review

Confirm your action!


Now your app is active and public. You can use the app for tracking the shares on your website

Go to "Dashboard" Tab


Copy The App ID save Paste into your General Options Tab from Plugin DashBoard.

FaceBook settings

All you need is your FaceBook Page Name. The name can be found into the URL facebook page

Example: For the Envato FaceBook Page: the name is envato

Twitter Settings

You will need to create a new Twitter App with your own Twitter Account. For that you just need to go to:

Be sure that you set all the fields properly. The Website URL and Callback URL needs to be set with your full website URL. This is mandatory!

Once the Twitter App is created, just click on the App and go to "Keys and Access Tokens" tab. There you will find all your necessary credentials.

An "Access Token" needs to be created. Just puch the "Create my access token" button

Google Settings

You can find your GooglePlus ID, from your URL. Just go into your Profile page. If your ID is not visible into your URL, click on the Profile Image and pick the ID

Example: For Envato Page the ID is: 107285294994146126204

Get Google API

You your Google Account access the Console section:

1. Create your Own Project

2. Once the Project is created, be sure you activate the required APIs: Google+ API from APIs & auth -> APIs page

3. Go to "Credentials" page and create a new Public Key

4. Copy the full API Key

Additional details may be found here:

LinkedIn Settings

To Get the "Company Name:" go to the Company page and check the URL:

To Get the other credentials you will need to create a LinkedIn App:

1. Create a new Application

2. Fill all the required fields properly

3. Go to the main page and click on the Applicatin Name

4. Go to OAuth Keys section and copy your requested credentials

Pinterest Settings

Just copy your UserNAme from URL

VKontakte Settings

Just copy your ID from your Profile Page

Delicious Settings

Just copy your UserName from your Profile Page

Thanks again for buying this plugin, if you need any help/support at all contact us.

Item Support